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Healthy Home Facts


Healthy Home Facts

We all aspire to live in a safe and healthy environment for the well-being of our families. To maintain a healthy home, it is crucial to understand the facts and take appropriate actions.
For instance, did you know that we spend nearly 90% of our lives indoors? This statistic underscores the importance of indoor air quality and overall home health.

Allergies are a major concern, being among the most common health issues in children and adults. Alarmingly, up to 30% of adults and 40% of children suffer from allergies, with six or more allergens present in the majority of homes


Ever wonder whats lurking in your home? Get it wiped out with Chem-Dry East Cork.

The Threat of Bacteria

Allergens are not the only concern in maintaining a healthy home. Bacteria also pose a significant threat. Research has shown that just seven types of pathogens are responsible for 90% of illnesses, hospitalisations, and deaths related to bacterial infections.
Homeowners face the challenge of nine different types of pathogens that can enter their homes via shoes alone. This highlights the importance of maintaining cleanliness and proper hygiene to prevent bacterial growth.

Do Carpets Help or Hurt?
Carpets, rugs, and upholstery play a dual role in our homes. They act as air filters, trapping allergens and bacteria that would otherwise circulate freely. However, they require regular deep cleaning to remain effective. Over time, dirt, grime, and allergens build up in porous surfaces such as stone, tile, grout flooring, and granite countertops, potentially leading to bacterial growth.

Pets and Home Health
Pets are beloved members of many families, but they can contribute to indoor allergens. A study found that 100% of homes have detectable levels of dog and cat dander, regardless of pet ownership. Shockingly, over 55% of homes have pet dander levels high enough to trigger allergies, and 35% of homes have levels sufficient to cause asthma attacks.
Beyond dander, pet urine in carpets, rugs, or upholstered furniture can create potent odours and respiratory issues, as well as a breeding ground for bacteria.

Contrary to popular belief, the kitchen, not the bathroom, is the dirtiest place in most homes. Research by the European Cleaning Journal showed that kitchens have the highest levels of germs. Families were asked to swab 30 household items to measure contamination levels of bacteria, germs, yeast, and mould, all of which can trigger allergic reactions.

Key findings include:

• 81% of households had detectable levels of Coliform bacteria, which includes Salmonella and E. coli.


• 31% of households had yeast and mould present.

• 45% of kitchen sinks and 32% of kitchen countertops had detectable amounts of Coliform bacteria.


• Only 9% of bathroom faucet handles had detectable amounts of bacteria.

Keep it clean

Carpets and rugs, which cover 65% of floor surfaces, accumulate dust and dirt at rates of 5-25 grams per square metre. They act as air filters, trapping allergens and preventing them from circulating in the air. A study by Allergy UK found that bedrooms with at least 50% carpeted floors had lower concentrations of cockroach allergens compared to those with less carpeting. Overall, allergen levels were up to 25% lower on carpeted floors than on hard surfaces.

Regular cleaning is crucial for maintaining a healthy home. It is recommended to use a high-quality vacuum with a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter weekly or bi-weekly. This helps remove surface-level dirt, dust, and allergens, maintaining the carpet's effectiveness as a filter.

Periodic deep cleanings are also essential, targeting the base of the carpet where dirt and allergens settle. Professional carpet cleaning services, recommended 2-3 times per year, can help. Some services use traditional steam cleaners with soapy water and high pressure, which can lead to mould, mildew, and bacteria growth. These methods can leave carpets wet for two or more days. Alternatives like Chem-Dry use green-certified solutions without soaps or detergents and far less water, allowing carpets to dry in a few hours.



Do you have allergies?
This may be the cause…

The most common allergic reaction is allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, which affects the nose. Symptoms include:

• Stuffy nose
• Itching in the nose, mouth, eyes, throat, or skin
• Puffy and swollen eyelids
• Sneezing
• Coughing
• Common triggers for hay fever include dust mites, pet hair, cockroaches, mould, airborne mould spores, pollen from trees, grasses, or weeds, cigarette smoke, strong odours, cosmetics, and laundry detergents.

There are two types of hay fever:

Seasonal: Symptoms occur in spring, summer, and autumn due to airborne triggers like pollen and mould spores.
Perennial: Symptoms occur year-round, triggered by pet dander, dust mites, cockroaches, or mould.

Approximately 150 million people in Europe suffer from allergies. Allergic diseases, including asthma, are among the most common chronic diseases. In Ireland, hay fever affects about 20% of the population. In the EU, allergic rhinitis impacts around 25% of adults and 20% of children.



Ever wonder whats lurking in your home? Get it wiped out with Chem-Dry East Cork.

  • What makes Chem-Dry’s carpet cleaning different from other methods?
    Chem-Dry East Cork uses a unique hot carbonating extraction method for carpet cleaning. This technique utilises millions of tiny bubbles to lift dirt and grime to the surface, where it can be easily extracted. This approach uses less water compared to traditional methods, reducing drying time and preventing mould growth. It’s also eco-friendly, ensuring a healthier environment for your home.
  • How long does it take for carpets to dry after cleaning?
    With Chem-Dry East Cork’s advanced cleaning technology, carpets typically dry within 1 to 2 hours. Our low-water cleaning process minimises moisture, allowing your carpets to dry faster than traditional methods that can take up to 24 hours. This quick drying time helps to prevent the growth of mould and bacteria.
  • Are your cleaning solutions safe for children and pets?
    Yes, Chem-Dry East Cork uses eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning solutions that are safe for children and pets. Our products are designed to be both effective and gentle, ensuring a healthy environment for your family while delivering excellent cleaning results.
  • How often should I have my carpets professionally cleaned?
    For optimal maintenance, it’s recommended to have your carpets professionally cleaned at least once a year. However, high-traffic areas or homes with pets may require more frequent cleaning. Regular professional cleaning helps to extend the life of your carpets, remove embedded dirt, and improve indoor air quality.
  • Can you remove all types of stains?
    Chem-Dry East Cork specialises in removing a wide range of stains, including those from wine, coffee, and ink. While we have advanced techniques for treating many stains, the success of stain removal can depend on factors such as the type of stain, how long it has been present, and the material of the carpet or upholstery. Our experts will assess each situation and apply the most effective treatment.
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